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News from UAS projects and the Research at UAS programme

New UAS funding and information events : Date: , Theme: UAS news

In August 2024, the federal and Laender governments have issued four new funding guidelines for their joint funding programme Research at UAS. These new funding instruments aim to strengthen research, profile development, promotion of young researchers, and internationalisation at UAS.

StartUpLab at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences officially opened : Date: , Theme: UAS News

Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences opened its new StartUpLab RISE on 10 April 2024. The premises in Osnabrück harbour have been available to all university members since January 2024 and, with 650 square metres of space, are the largest StartUpLab of this funding measure.

Munich start-up Omegga acquires funding of 2.4 million euros : Date: , Theme: UAS news

The start-up Omegga, which was founded at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, has scored a major success: The young start-up team has raised 2.4 million euros from the EIC Accelerator of the European Innovation Council for a technology to determine the sex of chicken eggs.

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences acquires EU funding for a Doctoral Network : Date: , Theme: UAS News

The Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) has won a prestigious EU project: The university and its project partners will receive a total of almost 2.6 million euros to set up an international Doctoral Network (DN) on brain research. The BMBF supported the application process at the HSRW with its FH-Europa funding.