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FH-Sozial: Information event on 7 July 2017 : Date:

On 7 July 2017, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Bonn provided information about the funding guidelines "Quality of Life through Social Innovation" (FH-Sozial) in the Research at Universities of Applied Sciences programme.

The aim of the event was to present the contents of the funding guidelines, to provide important technical and administrative advice on the preparation of project outlines and to offer networking opportunities. The event was geared towards representatives of state and state-recognised universities of applied sciences in Germany.

The address of the venue was:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Heinemannstrasse 2
Haus A2/Projektgruppenraum
53175 Bonn, Germany

You can find the agenda here: Agenda of the FH-Sozial information event