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Fighting cancer with viruses : Date:

In the fight against cancer, science is increasingly focusing on the impact of viruses. A research group at Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences is working on producing these viruses in sufficient quantity and quality.

After cardiovascular diseases, cancer is the second most common cause of death in Germany. Every year in this country, around 500,000 people contract cancer, and 224,000 die from it. Research is being carried out around the world into a wide range of methods for fighting cancer. The scientific community sees great potential in so-called oncolytic viruses: measles, smallpox and polio viruses have specific mechanisms with which they can infect cancer cells and specifically dissolve the tumour. Patients treated with this novel form of therapy could thus avoid chemotherapy, which weakens the immune system. The researchers also hope to use this method to find a treatment for previously incurable tumours. The first biopharmaceuticals based on these oncolytic measles viruses are currently being tested in clinical trials. However, the scientists had difficulties in providing the viruses in sufficient quantities.

This is where the OnkoVir project headed by Peter Czermak comes in. This research group hopes to improve the production of oncolytic measles viruses in large quantities. Up to ten trillion viruses per dose are needed for effective treatment; previous methods used in vaccine production generate comparatively low yields of up to ten million viruses.

Viruses depend on host cells to multiply. Czermak and his team are therefore investigating different host cells in order to maximise the virus yield. In addition, they are also developing new methods to separate the viruses from other substances after production in order to ensure that they meet the high standards and do not put additional strain on the patients, who are usually very weakened.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is supporting the research project with about 432,000 euros within the framework of the IngenieurNachwuchs funding line as part of the Research at Universities of Applied Sciences programme.