Preparation for the DFG review board election in 2027
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Opportunity for participation
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) plans to align the subject structure of its review boards with the current requirements of science for the 2028 to 2032 term of office. To this end, the DFG is accepting proposals from the scientific community until early February 2025.
New funding in the Research at UAS programme
, Theme:
Funding opportunity
In August 2024, the federal and Laender governments have issued four new funding guidelines for their joint funding programme Research at UAS. These new funding instruments aim to strengthen research, profile development, promotion of young researchers, and internationalisation at UAS.
DFG opens Research Training Groups for UAS
, Theme:
Funding opportunity
In March 2024, the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided to open its Research Training Groups funding programme to universities of applied sciences (UAS). Thus, the DFG wants to contribute to the quality management of doctorates at UAS. The change will apply from 1 June 2024.