Second call for DFG Research Impulses launched : Date:
On 7 December 2023, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) approved the first ten projects from the "Research Impulses" programme. Afterwards, the second call for FIP was launched, in which projects are again to be funded for five to a maximum of eight years.

The Research Impulses programme (Forschungsimpulse, FIP) is part of a comprehensive package of DFG measures that explicitly calls on UAS to submit proposals. FIP are intended to specifically strengthen research networks with particularly promising research ideas and thus support UAS in further developing their research strengths and sharpening their scientific profile.
As in the first round, applicants in the second call for FIP must first submit a letter of intent, the deadline being 29 January 2024. Subsequent draft proposals can be submitted until 15 March; revised versions of unapproved applications from the first round are also permitted. One application can be submitted per university. The funding period comprises two phases: a first funding period of five years and a potential second funding period of three years.
In the first round of the programme, ten FIP projects were approved. They are to start in April 2024 and will be funded with a total of 49 million euro for five years. Detailed information on the successful applicants and their projects can be found in the DFG press release.
Research at UAS has developed considerably in recent years. The DFG has taken this into account by reviewing and expanding its funding portfolio. FIP complements the existing DFG programmes for UAS on major instrumentation and internationalisation.