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New BMBF funding opportunities for UAS : Date:

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has recently published two new calls for funding that may be relevant to UAS. One of the measures aims to promote social innovations at universities and UAS, the other one provides funding for the Female Professors Programme 2030.

Two folders, labelled with the words funding and projects, plus a pen.
In February 2023, the BMBF created two new funding opportunities that may be of interest to UAS. © Adobe Stock / stockpics

With the Female Professors Programme 2030, the BMBF is funding the initial appointment of women to tenured W2 and W3 professorships, which can be existing vacant positions as well as positions that have yet to be created or will become vacant in the future (early appointment). The funding decision is based on the gender equality concepts submitted by the applicants. For each type of applicant (universities, UAS, or colleges of art and music), up to 20 per cent of the submitted gender equality concepts may be funded.

With its call on the topic of “Society of innovations – Impact challenge at universities – Application-oriented research into university-related continuing education and training on social innovations and social entrepreneurship”, the BMBF wants to ensure that actors at universities are sensitised to the topics of social innovations and social entrepreneurship. Funding is available, for example, for projects that focus on interdisciplinary cooperation and answer the question of how social challenges can be addressed in a solution- and practice-oriented manner in the context of university-related continuing education and training. The programme grants up to 60,000 euros per project over a period of up to ten months.

Information on the two calls can be found on the website of the Federal Gazette under the reference numbers BAnz AT 02.02.2023 B3 (Female Professors Programme) and BAnz AT 02.02.2023 B4 (Social Innovations call).