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DFG review board election 2023 : Date:

From 23 October to 20 November 2023, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) carried out its 2023 review board elections. Eligible researchers were called upon to elect new representatives for a total of 49 review boards.

A ballot box with a person behind it who is just pushing a ballot paper into the slot.
Die DFG informiert erneut über Fördermöglichkeiten speziell für HAW und FH. © Adobe Stock / Belish

The DFG review boards are elected every four years; around 150,000 researchers in Germany were eligible to vote this year. The members of the review boards play a central role in the system of scientific self-organisation and in the assessment of funding proposals: They evaluate funding proposals and are also involved in further developing and designing DFG funding programmes.

For the upcoming term of office from 2024 to 2028, a total of 214 disciplines are represented in the 49 review boards. 1631 candidates were standing for election for the 649 available seats. 37 percent of them were women – which, according to the DFG, means that the percentage of women among the candidates has increased by four percent since the last election. The DFG review board election was once again organised as an online election; corresponding voting stations were available at 181 scientific institutions in Germany. The newly elected review boards are scheduled to begin their work in spring 2024. Information on the election process can be found on the DFG election portal, which you can access via the link provided under “Find out more”.