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DFG funding news for UAS : Date:

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has published several UAS-related announcements over the past few days – such as the new call for proposals for individual research grants (“Sachbeihilfen”) for major instrumentation and on the DFG Review Board election. In addition, there is a first summary of the recent call for proposals in the UAS Research Impulses programme.

Zwei Aktenordner, beschriftet mit den Worten Förderung und Projekte,  dazu ein Kugelschreiber
The DFG again provides information on specific funding for AUS. © Adobe Stock / stockpics

With its “Sachbeihilfen” grant, the DFG aims to offer further support for USAS in 2023 in order to expand and utilise the equipment infrastructure already in use at many UAS for knowledge-oriented research projects. As with last year's “Sachbeihilfen” call, applicants must have been involved in a successful DFG major instrumentation proposal. Proposals that failed in 2022 can be resubmitted in revised form as outlines in the 2023 call.

The DFG offers an information event on the call that takes place on 15 March 2023. Participants in the call must submit a binding project outline by 05 April 2023. The deadline for submitting full proposals is 30 August 2023. Detailed information on the call and the information event can be found on the DFG website (see right column).

In another announcement, the DFG refers to the upcoming Review Board election this year, which will determine the future composition of the DFG Review Boards in the election period 2024 to 2028. Please check the DFG website (see right-hand column) for detailed information on who is eligible to vote and how to participate in the online voting system.

The DFG also draws a positive conclusion to the first call for proposals in the Research Impulse programme for UAS: a total of 70 project proposals were submitted by the deadline of 1 March 2023. The applications are now being reviewed by panels of national and international experts. The decision on which applications will be funded is expected to be made in December 2023. The approved Research Impulses projects will then be funded by the DFG for an initial period of five years starting in 2024.

The Research Impulses are part of a comprehensive package of measures by the DFG that explicitly calls on UAS to submit proposals. They are intended to specifically strengthen research networks with particularly promising research ideas and thus support UAS in further developing their research strengths and specifically sharpening their respective scientific profiles.