In our new format “Focus Topic”, we take up a current social development or issue and examine it from the perspective of research at UAS: We take a look at corresponding projects in the Research at Universities of Applied Sciences programme and at the aspects they cover. Our first topic in 2023 is the energy transition in the context of climate change, mobility transition, and energy price crisis.
The prosperity of our society depends on a functioning energy supply, as our everyday life is no longer conceivable without electricity, heat, and mobility. However, these areas play a particularly important role in meeting climate targets and reducing CO2 emissions. The goal of the energy transition is therefore to realise a secure, economical, and environmentally safe energy supply.
For years, the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) has supported numerous innovative and practice-oriented research projects at UAS to shed light on various aspects of the energy transition. Some of these projects are presented in this “Focus Topic”. They exemplify the diversity of topics and projects at German UAS – whether they address overarching research questions and acceptance discussions or explore the details of technological implementation.
Please follow the links below to learn more about the energy transition and current research on it at UAS:
More projects on this topic
PV-FeldLab: Performance measurement of photovoltaic systems
In the PV-FeldLab project, Coburg University and Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences have jointly developed new measurement procedures to determine the performance of photovoltaic (PV) systems. These procedures were integrated into a mobile field laboratory. The goal was to enable operators of PV systems to measure the ageing of the solar modules on site and to detect the slightest changes in parameters quickly and reliably. The measurement procedure reduces failures and feed-in losses of PV systems and makes yield forecasts more reliable. Thus, it can help to generate more solar energy overall and reduce costs. The universities have cooperated with several German solar module manufacturers. The research thus not only promotes the energy transition, but also supports technology developments in the local PV industry and strengthens its market position.
Project title: Vorort-Leistungsbestimmungen und Alterungsanalysen an Photovoltaikgeneratoren (PV-FeldLab)
Funding recipient: HAW Coburg | Hochschule Nordhausen
Project reference number: 13FH600IA6 | 13FH600IB6
Project duration: December 2018 – February 2023
Funding: IngenieurNachwuchs
Find out more: Article of Coburg University about the project
ofVerte_LeitStand: Intelligent power networks for regenerative energy
One of the biggest challenges of the energy transition is handling fluctuating amounts of electricity from solar and wind energy. Due to the feeding-in of these regenerative energy sources and the use of intelligent network components, the power grid is becoming increasingly complex. The grids can be visualised and controlled with state-of-the-art software and algorithms. In their joint research project ofVerte_LeitStand, the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer and the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth have developed a software control system for power distribution networks with a high share of renewable energies. The system was designed to make operation and maintenance by companies more flexible and independent. Since power supply is a critical infrastructure, special emphasis was put on using standard technologies already established in other areas. The new software control is intended to provide economic solutions, particularly for smaller distribution system operators such as small municipal energy suppliers.
Project title: Aufbau eines offenen Verteilnetz-Leitsystems mit Standard-Industriekomponenten für Netze mit hohem Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien (ofVerte_LeitStand)
Funding recipient: Hochschule Emden/Leer | Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth
Project reference number: 13FH112PA8 | 13FH112PB8
Project duration: December 2019 – May 2023
Funding: FHprofUnt
Find out more: Project description on the ZDIN website (Zentrum für digitale Innovation Niedersachsen)
BioCO2nvert: Power to Gas, a key technology for energy transition
Renewable forms of energy such as solar or wind power have one disadvantage: they fluctuate greatly and only supply electricity when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. With so-called power-to-X technologies, temporary surpluses of electricity are converted into another form of energy: In power-to-gas plants, for example, energy is stored in the form of gas and can thus be used flexibly. The method is therefore the technology of the future for the energy transition. The goal of the BioCO2nvert project was to first convert electricity from wind and solar energy into hydrogen and then convert this into methane using carbon dioxide. This gas can be stored with existing infrastructure. Carbon dioxide is produced in many combustion processes in industry, but also in alcoholic fermentation – for example in the production of bioethanol. One of the partners in the project was therefore Südzucker AG, which operates large bioethanol plants. Recycling the carbon dioxide improves the climate balance of production.
Project title: Implementierung eines bedarfsgerechten Power-to-Gas Konzeptes in CO2 emittierende Fermentationsanlagen (BioCO2nvert)
Funding recipient: Hochschule Ostwestfalen Lippe
Project reference number: 13FH240PX6
Project duration: August 2018 – April 2023
Funding: FHprofUnt
Find out more: Project description on the website of the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
SMART-H2: Hydrogen-based fuel cells for heavy-duty transportation
To successfully curb climate change, the energy transition must go hand in hand with a transport transition. Hydrogen-based drives in combination with a hydrogen polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell offer decisive advantages, especially in the commercial vehicle sector. However, in order to influence the ageing and thus the service life of the fuel cells, a deep understanding of the underlying deactivation processes under realistic operating conditions and the introduction of effective measures for condition monitoring are needed. In the SMART-H2 project, a laboratory test bench for fuel cells is being developed. The project aims to establish the diagnosis of ageing conditions in the vehicle via onboard monitoring, the efficient regulation of the cells during driving operation, and the development of regeneration cycles and procedures for aged cells. MAN Truck & Bus SE, one of the leading European commercial vehicle manufacturers and providers of transport solutions, is involved in the project.
Project title: Smartes Monitoring der Alterung und Regenerierung von Truck-H2-Brennstoffzellen mittels neuronaler Netze und Impedanztomographie (SMART-H2)
Funding recipient: TH Nürnberg
Project reference number: 13FH549KX0
Project duration: October 2022 – April 2027
Funding: FH-Kooperativ
HydroLoc: Low-emission hydrogen engines for locomotives
Rail freight transport in Germany still relies heavily on diesel locomotives that consume fossil fuels. In particular, diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives are often used on lines that have not yet been electrified. In order to make this area of rail freight transport more sustainable, the HydroLoc project aims to convert a diesel engine for highly efficient combustion operation with hydrogen (H2 operation, “zero emission”) and test it in a locomotive on the rails. Compared to the acquisition of new electric locomotives, the conversion of diesel-hydraulic locomotives to hydrogen operation is quickly available and presents an economic alternative. The research is carried out as a joint project by Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences (HNN) and the htw saar. The engine manufacturer Deutz AG and the locomotive manufacturer Reuschling GmbH & Co. KG are involved in the work.
Project title: Dekarbonisierung im Schienenverkehr durch Nachrüstung von Diesellokomotiven mit hocheffizienten zeroemission Wasserstoffmotoren (HydroLoc)
Funding recipient: Hochschule Heilbronn | htw saar
Project reference number: 13FH123KA0 | 13FH123KB0
Project duration: August 2021 – July 2024
Funding: FH-Kooperativ
Find out more: Project information on the HHN website
Kommun:E: Forecast models for transforming of the energy supply infrastructure
To successfully implement the energy transition, it is necessary to transform the energy supply infrastructure accordingly. Instead of coming from large, centralised power plants, electricity today is mainly produced by small, decentralised facilities. The heat and transport sectors are also undergoing a transformation. In the Kommun:E project, the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM), in cooperation with Stadtwerke Gießen AG and Mittelhessen Netz GmbH, created various municipal energy transition scenarios. Based on these, the researchers determined the transformation needs for the electricity and heating networks in the project region. To this end, a comprehensive database was created from real datasets and economically optimised energy transition scenarios were derived for a given period up to 2045. Results from this comprehensive project include, for example, maps of the area with high spatial resolution that show potentials for power generation with renewable energies as well as real-data-based customer models for all electricity consumers in the project region. Further results of the project are concrete target networks for further developing the municipal electricity grid including investment requirements and the identification of suitable areas for district heating. Due to the great depth of detail, partial results of the project could already be used by the project partners and the city of Gießen for concrete applications in the region even before the project was completed. Among other things, the project thus provides valuable insights for the implementation of the municipal heat planning act that is currently underway.
Project title: Transformation kommunaler Energieversorgungs-Infrastrukturen unter dem Einfluss der deutschen Energiewende (Kommun:E)
Funding recipient: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Project reference number: 13FH085PX6
Project duration: August 2018 – May 2022
Funding: FHprofUnt
Find out more: Project description on the THM website
InnoREva: Innovative technologies for heat pumps and refrigerating plants
Heat pump technology is considered one of the key technologies for energy transition. To make it even more climate-friendly, it makes sense to replace conventional refrigerants with those that have a smaller greenhouse effect. The aim of the InnoREva project is therefore to research an innovative evaporation technology that is optimised for these more climate-friendly refrigerants. The aim is to use compact and low-cost plate evaporators that enable a significantly more energy-efficient and safer operation of compression refrigeration systems and heat pumps and whose capacity can be flexibly adjusted. Thus, the project team develops a measuring method for characterising the processes inside the evaporator and a simulation model for the optimal design of the machine. This enables manufacturers to improve the selection of components through system simulation, which leads to higher efficiencies. In the project, the Nuremberg Institute of Technology is collaborating with its corporate partner Kelvion Brazed PHE GmbH, a leading manufacturer of plate heat exchangers for district as well as local heating technology.
Project title: FH-Kooperativ 1-2021: Innovative Kältemittel-Plattenverdampfer (InnoREva)
Funding recipient: TH Nürnberg
Project reference number: 13FH128KX1
Project duration: February 2023 – January 2026
Funding: FH-Kooperativ
Flederwind: Nature conservation and energy transition
Wind energy is one of the most important sources of renewable energy in Germany. However, wind turbines are often criticised for being problematic in terms of nature conservation. For example, numerous bats die from collisions with rotor blades or from pressure fluctuations in the direct vicinity of the turbines. The research project Flederwind by the Competence Centre for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (CC4E) in the X-Energy partnership (HAW Hamburg) aims to investigate the causes of these collisions and develop countermeasures to protect the flying mammals. In the project, the number, species, and flight behaviour of bats are recorded with a new combination of radar systems, so-called “batcorders” (acoustic measurement of bat calls), and thermal imaging cameras. To this end, the HAW Hamburg is collaborating with its partners BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG, FURUNO GmbH, ENERTRAG SE, Leibniz University Hannover and the Office for Environmental Mapping – Information Processing – Nature Assessment (UIN).
Project title: Entwicklung von Risikominderungsmaßnahmen zum Schutz von Fledermäusen an Onshore-Windenergieanlagen (Flederwind)
Funding recipient: HAW Hamburg
Project reference number: 13FH1E03IA
Project duration: January 2018 – December 2023
Funding: FH-Impuls
Find out more: Project description on the HAW Hamburg website