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Information Event: "Research at UAS - new funding opportunities" : Date:

The first online information event about the new funding opportunities in the "Research at UAS" programme took place on 16 September 2024. The event started with an introduction of all four funding guidelines. Afterwards, we took a closer look at HAW-ForschungsraumQualifizierung.

In August 2024, the BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) has published four new funding guidelines for the Research at UAS programme. These new funding instruments will be presented successively in several online information events.

In the first information event on 16 September 2024, participants got a short introduction on all four guidelines before we took a closer look at HAW-ForschungsraumQualifizierung.

The online information events are aimed at UAS management, researchers, junior staff, and research officers at UAS. Please note that our information events are specifically tailored to projects in the “Research at UAS” programme. We do not offer advice for projects outside this programme.

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