HAW-ForschungsraumQualifizierung at a glance
HAW-ForschungsraumQualifizierung funding aims to make UAS more attractive to excellent students and young researchers from Germany and abroad. The universities' research and qualification expertise is to be expanded accordingly through the funding.

HAW-ForschungsraumQualifizierung supports universities of applied sciences (UAS) in strengthening their research profiles and combining these with the (further) development of junior staff. To this end, attractive research and qualification opportunities – so-called research spaces – that address various user groups are to be established at the UAS. The research spaces are intended to create a strong appeal for the UAS and act as a magnet to attract cooperation partners and students from Germany and abroad. Through targeted communication of the research-based qualification concept and the opportunities within the research spaces, the successes and competences of the UAS are to become more visible.
The projects should consist of three modules that form a coherent overall concept:
The projects are selected for funding in a one-stage process (full application). The deadline for HAW-ForschungsraumQualifizierung is 02 Dec 2024. Each UAS can only submit one application. Collaborations between two UAS are not permitted.
Entitled to submit project proposals are all Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in accordance with Section 3 (1) of the Bund-Laender Agreement on the “Research at UAS” programme.
The detailed funding conditions can be found in the current funding guideline. There you will also find all the documents needed to submit a project proposal.