HAW-ForschungsPraxis at a glance
HAW-ForschungsPraxis funding focuses on cooperation between HAW and non-university partners - such as companies, local authorities, associations, organisations or administration. The aim is to strengthen the transfer of scientific results into practical application.

HAW-ForschungsPraxis is designed to fund open-topic research projects that are conducted in cooperation with non-university partners from industry, business or administration. The aim is to intensify research in cooperation with industry and business as well as the transfer of knowledge and technology between UAS and economy or society. Funded projects are to develop and implement application-orientated solutions. As proof of the strong interest of non-university partners to collaborate with the applicant UAS, at least two such partners must be actively involved in the project.
In addition, the funding is intended to stimulate cooperation within a single UAS or between several UAS. The funded projects are therefore to be carried out cooperatively by at least two professors. In addition, the continuous employment of academic staff (at least two FTEs) is required for the duration of the project.
Project-specific, targeted investments in research equipment, facilities, or demonstrators are desirable, provided they support the competitiveness of the UAS and its strategic development.
The projects are selected for funding in a two-stage process (outline -> full proposal). Project outlines can be submitted once a year on fixed submission deadlines (calls). The first call for HAW-ForschungsPraxis is in autumn 2024, the second in autumn 2025.
Entitled to submit outlines and project proposals are all Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in accordance with Section 3 (1) of the Bund-Laender Agreement on the “Research at UAS” programme. In addition to industry or business partners, universities or non-university research institutions can also be involved in the project. However, these are not considered to be “partners” as defined by this funding guideline. Funding will only be granted to the UAS submitting the proposal, not to any partners involved in the project.
The detailed funding conditions can be found in the current funding guideline. There you will also find all the documents needed to submit a project proposal.