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With the FH-Europa funding line, the BMBF aims to increase the participation of universities of applied sciences in EU programmes such as "Horizon Europe" or in other EU programmes such as "Green Deal" or "EUREKA". The purpose is to enable UAS to expand and strengthen their networks at European level and to establish themselves in the scientific community with their research priorities in the long term.

Current status

No more submission of project proposals (only open until 31 December 2023, acc. to notice of amendment from 16 December 2022)

With FH-Europa, the BMBF aims to increase the participation of universities of applied sciences in EU programmes such as “Horizon Europe” or in other EU programmes such as “Green Deal” or “EUREKA”. The purpose is to enable UAS to expand and strengthen their networks at European level and to establish themselves in the scientific community with their research priorities in the long term.

A compass with an EU symbol in the middle, the compass needle points to the word Science
© Adobe Stock / xtock

The European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe” as well as other EU research programmes such as “Green Deal” or “EUREKA” focus on the innovation orientation of projects to address societal challenges and offer additional opportunities for UAS with their application- and innovation-oriented approach as well as the promotion of medium-sized industry.

Through FH-Europa, UAS professors are to be encouraged to network at European level, to substantiate topic-specific project proposals for “Horizon Europe” and other EU programmes together with research partners, to successfully submit project proposals and to establish their already existing research focuses at European level. In addition to the targeted preparation and submission of concrete project proposals to the EU, this measure is also intended to support networking measures which ideally lead to several proposals being submitted and/or to the formation and strengthening of (researcher) networks at European level during the project period.

Funding will be provided for measures required for the preparation of research proposals for “Horizon Europe” and other EU research programmes: including travel to cooperation partners or for advisory meetings (e.g. to representatives of the National Contact Points), staff to prepare proposals or teaching substitutes for the project managing UAS professors. In addition, measures that are directly related to the networking of existing research focuses or the networking of UAS in the European Research Area and that are not yet geared to a specific call are also eligible for funding, irrespective of the specific application support. The maximum project duration is 12 months, the grant should not exceed 75,000 euros. Each UAS is permitted to have a maximum of two ongoing FH-Europa projects at a time.