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SmartPro: Smart materials and intelligent production technologies for energy-efficient products of the future

The SmartPro partnership is coordinated by Aalen University and addresses two challenges: the careful use of limited resources (materials and raw materials) and the sustainable and climate-friendly use of energy.

Logo of the SmartPro partnership

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More about the partnership:
SmartPro website


Prof. Dr. Dagmar Goll
Spokeswoman of the partnership

Both of these are highly relevant for achieving energy and climate policy goals. The aim of the SmartPro partnership is therefore to develop innovative application-oriented solutions for the materials and processes required for this purpose. These are to be converted into sustainable and energy-efficient products with economic benefits.

The research activities of SmartPro focus on four fields of application:

  • Electrical energy converters
  • Electrical energy storage
  • Innovative lightweight construction technologies
  • Innovative manufacturing technologies for Industry 4.0 applications

The planned projects deal with, among other things, tools for the quality assessment of temperature-stressed permanent magnets, miniaturised sensors for automated component measurement and production technologies for electrodes with improved service life of lithium-ion batteries. In this regard in particular there is a high demand from the point of view of regional and highly production-dependent companies from the automotive, mechanical engineering, toolmaking, photonics and production technologies sectors.

More than 30 companies are involved in the SmartPro network – including 14 small and medium-sized enterprises. The result is a structured, sustainable and resilient partnership, which – in cooperation with other research and transfer partners – promotes the development and organises the realisation.

Partnership profile

Aalen University, in the eastern part of Baden-Württemberg, is one of Germany’s leading institutions in application-oriented materials research. The SmartPro partnership, which is funded via “Strong Universities of Applied Sciences – Impulse for the Region” (FH-Impuls) funding of the BMBF, builds on this expertise to develop smart materials and process technologies for energy-efficient products – in line with the needs of the regional companies, which are predominantly based in the automotive, mechanical engineering, toolmaking and photonics sectors. And all in keeping with the spirit of the energy transition, which the university would like to make an important contribution to with SmartPro.

SmartPro research on novel battery technologies
SmartPro research on novel battery technologies © Thomas Klink/Hochschule Aalen

Aalen, located between Stuttgart and Ulm, is a city of about 70,000 inhabitants on the north-eastern edge of the Swabian Jura mountains and home to a very innovative university that attracts scientists and students from near and far – because, in addition to a natural forest campus and a personal, family environment, it offers one thing above all else: research at the highest level. It is not without reason that it is considered one of the strongest research universities of applied sciences in Germany. Its main focus is on the areas of advanced materials and manufacturing as well as photonics.

The SmartPro partnership network builds on these focal points. Together with companies from the region, scientists at the university research smart materials and intelligent technologies in order to develop sustainable, energy-efficient products with economic benefits. A total of 16 working groups at Aalen University and more than 30 companies, including 14 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are involved in the partnership. In addition, there are renowned research and regional transfer partners such as Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Research Institute for Precious Metals and Metals Chemistry (fem), as well as the Baden-Württemberg state agency for lightweight construction (Leichtbau BW GmbH) and the Ostwürttemberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce. A total of more than 50 partners are on board – a good foundation for long-term collaboration that enables the effective realisation of research results.

“With SmartPro, we want to strengthen our central research priorities, intensify the transfer of knowledge and technology to the region and provide impetus for innovation,” says partnership spokeswoman Professor Dagmar Goll, summarising the goals of Aalen University with regard to SmartPro. The contribution of SmartPro to the energy transition is of great relevance to society, because the partnership addresses two challenges that are central to achieving energy and climate policy goals: the careful use of limited resources such as materials and raw materials and the sustainable and climate-friendly use of energy.

SmartPro – Key to smart products

SmartPro: Four central fields of application
SmartPro: Four central fields of application © Hochschule Aalen

In order to lay the foundation for smart products, for example in the fields of electromobility, renewable energies and Industry 4.0–compatible factory automation, research activities are focused on four promising fields of application – electrical energy converters, battery technologies, innovative lightweight construction technologies and manufacturing technologies for industrial 4.0 applications – in the form of four central projects:

Energy converters: Tailor-made magnetic materials and tools for light, compact and efficient electric engines (MagNetz)

Magnets are ubiquitous; they are found in electric engines, generators and battery-powered devices, for example. New magnetic materials as well as technologies for their processing go into efficient electrical energy converters, which are of importance for resource-efficient mobility (traction drives), renewable energy (wind power) and industrial or factory automation, as well as for power tools and household appliances.

Magnetic materials are key for efficient future-proof energy converters which can be all the lighter and more compact the more powerful the magnets are.

However, today’s materials have disadvantages like high material costs due to the rare earth metals they contain. Generating material- and energy-efficient products which are attractive to the market in the future increasingly calls for function-optimised magnetic materials with guaranteed quality. These new magnetic materials are being researched within the framework of SmartPro.

Energy storage: Smart material systems, intelligent production and quality processes for lithium-based batteries (LiMaProMet)

The demand for rechargeable batteries with high energy density, increased safety and extended service life is very high due to the increased requirements placed on mobile applications. The focus is on range, running and charging times and safety for electromobility and portable electronics such as smartphones or navigation devices.

The increased usage of renewable energy sources as part of the energy transition requires cost-effective energy storage systems with extended service lives. Smart battery materials, intelligent production processes and quality assessment methods are key technologies for resource-efficient mobility and energy supply. Hence, the LiMaProMet research project aims to develop intelligent lithium-based energy storage technologies up to market maturity.

Lightweight construction: Intelligent joining processes, designs for lightweight constructions and quality assurance methods for energy-efficient products (InDiMat)

Lightweight construction is a cross-sector key technology of outstanding importance for transport, energy supply and industrial automation. The focus here is mainly on resource and energy efficiency.

Carbon-fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) are among the most promising lightweight construction materials – often realised as a multi-material composite for a wide range of applications, for instance with light metals and high-strength steels. Cost-efficient, intelligent process approaches for hybrid lightweight construction are the focus of the InDiMat project.

3D printing: Intelligent components for resource and energy efficiency produced using additive manufacturing (AddFunK)

In additive manufacturing, components are manufactured in layers using digital 3D construction data. Additive manufacturing is one of the key technologies for Industry 4.0 and the internet of things (IoT). It enables the economic and resource-efficient production of individualised tailor-made products via 3D printing using smart materials or new combinations of material such as cermet, which are materials consisting of metal and a ceramic component.

Besides its usage in entirely new applications and its functional integration as metal or optical elements based on intelligent manufacturing processes, the research also focuses on engineering design and custom physical properties.

Partner statements

Professor Gerhard Schneider, president of technology and economy at Aalen University

“The SmartPro strategic partnership tackles challenges with high social relevance and researches the efficient use of limited resources and the sustainable use of energy. SmartPro focuses on smart materials and intelligent technologies for energy-efficient products. To this end, we work together closely with our commercial partners to shape the future for good. Through the active exchange within the partnership, Aalen University has further strengthened its position as one of the strongest universities in applied research. It sees itself as an important catalyst for innovations that provide decisive impulses for the future viability of the Ostwürttemberg region.”

Professor Michael Kaschke, CEO of the ZEISS Group, member of the science council, chairman of the university council of Aalen University

“The great success of SmartPro in the BMBF’s FH-Impuls funding line underscores the positioning of Aalen University amongst the strongest research universities for applied sciences in Germany. SmartPro opens up new paths for Aalen University to strategically prepare itself for the challenges of the coming years. By focusing research activities on future-oriented fields of application relevant to production-dependent sectors and companies, the groundwork has been laid for the continuous provision of valuable impulses to strengthen the regional innovation system. I am sure that ZEISS will benefit not only from the direct results of SmartPro, but also from the young scientists trained here as part of demanding R & D projects.”

Steffen Hachtel, managing director of F. & G. Hachtel GmbH & Co. KG

“Innovation and the testing of new technologies are given high priority in Hachtel’s corporate philosophy. Our roots lie in toolmaking and injection-moulding technology. The use of cutting-edge methods supports us in particular in process optimisation. To this end, we primarily use simulation technologies and industrial computer tomography, which are now also part of our service portfolio. We develop new technologies such as additive manufacturing in cooperation with universities and other companies. This basic idea is reflected in the SmartPro network. As part of SmartPro, we are taking our long-standing partnership with Aalen University to a new level and have already been able to establish valuable contacts and launch new joint projects. Through my participation in the steering committee of SmartPro, I was able to gain new insights into the university and, at the same time, to contribute the perspective of a technology-oriented SME to the further development of SmartPro.”

(Text: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. / Technopolis Group Deutschland)