ruhrvalley: Mobility and Energy for Metropolitan Change
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (project coordination), Bochum University of Applied Sciences and Westphalian University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen have joined forces with numerous companies to form the ruhrvalley research partnership.

contact details
More about the partnership:
ruhrvalley website
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bock
Spokesman of the partnership
The aim of the partnership is to develop practicable solutions to provide mobility and energy under the specific conditions of metropolitan regions – such as those of the Ruhr region. This, in turn, should help to establish internationally visible leadership in expertise with impact on the field of solutions for metropolitan regions.
The research profile of the partnership ranges from information and communication technology for embedded and cyber-physical systems, IT security, electromobility, geothermal energy and energy system technology through to the relevant subfields of economics and the social sciences, especially innovation research.
The planned research projects address, for example, the realisation of public transport through electromobility, the provision of district heating through geothermal energy and the establishment of test procedures and test environments for vehicle development. This should result in new products and services with regard to system technology. In addition, value-added networks are to be established in the region for the production and marketing of these products and services, and knowledge-based business start-ups are to be initiated.
Partnership profile
Resource-saving provision of energy and heat and sustainable mobility concepts – densely populated metropolises in particular, such as the Ruhr region, benefit from technological innovations in the fields of energy and mobility. This is because they help to reduce air and noise pollution in urban centres and thus create a better quality of life for the residents there. The ruhrvalley interdisciplinary research and innovation partnership has set itself the task of developing and implementing new energy and mobility concepts for metropolitan regions.

It is no coincidence that the name of the partnership is a reference to the modern Mecca of information and communication technologies. The spirit of early Silicon Valley shapes the way the partnership sees itself: “We see ourselves as a community of committed scientists and start-ups who work together to develop sustainable technologies, processes and products in the fields of energy and mobility for metropolitan regions,” says Carsten Wolff, professor of computer engineering at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and spokesman for the ruhrvalley partnership. “Our vision is to establish the Ruhr region worldwide as an outstanding technology and innovation hub. In doing so, we want to provide impetus for the transformation of the former steel and mining region.”
To this end, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Westphalian University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt, Recklinghausen have joined forces with around 20 young medium-sized companies from the region. Many of the companies involved are spin-offs that were founded from the university institutes. The ruhrvalley partnership was born in the summer of 2016, when the BMBF announced the FH-Impuls funding competition with the theme of strong universities of applied sciences providing impulse for the region. At that time, the universities had already been closely collaborating with each other and with selected medium-sized companies in the region. So it made sense to expand the cooperation and to compete together in this tendering process. And it was a success: ruhrvalley won the funding competition and secured the accompanying funding of 4.95 million euros through 2020. The consortium of universities and businesses invests the funds in targeted projects that are relevant to demand and application. The focus in this regard is on linking renewable energies and electromobility with innovative digitisation technologies.
Big advantages for small companies
For example in the ruhrvalley project NetLab – Networked Development and Testing Laboratory. The aim of this project is to develop a digitised, location-independent test system for electric-vehicle components. This virtual test system is intended to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the automotive supplier industry to test individual vehicle parts developed by them in the overall system – without having to install a complex physical test facility. This innovation enables SMEs to save time, resources and costs and thus improve their competitive position. To illustrate this, the ruhrvalley partners involved developed a so-called demonstration model – a prototype of the virtual test system. In addition to the three universities, the project partners involved are Scienlab electronic systems GmbH, Auktora GmbH, XingSYS GmbH, Behr-Hella Thermocontrol GmbH and Voltavision GmbH.
When heat becomes intelligent
Another example of ruhrvalley’s work is the Smart Solar Geothermal Energy Grid Ruhr (GeoSmaGriR) project, which focuses on the sustainable use of heat from renewable sources such as solar energy and geothermal energy. The aim of GeoSmaGriR is to integrate a sustainable heat supply into existing infrastructures and to provide user-specific information and control options – in short, the implementation of an intelligent heat supply system that provides heat from renewable sources via existing channels, such as district heating networks, exactly when it is needed. Seasonal excess heat is to be stored in the mine buildings of the former black-coal mining industry. If required, the heat can be extracted by heat pumps and fed into the supply systems. In addition to the three universities, the companies Geomecon GmbH and com2m GmbH are also partners in the project.
Win-win situation for everyone involved
These and many other projects within the framework of the ruhrvalley partnership benefit not only the participating universities and companies, but also the entire Ruhr region with its some five million inhabitants. “As a university of applied sciences, it is naturally very important to us to closely link research and practice,” says Carsten Wolff. “ruhrvalley offers optimal conditions to do so. The results of university research can be directly developed into innovative products and solutions within the companies. This practical relevance of course also attracts students, to whom we can offer the best conditions for a practice-oriented education through such partnerships.”
And the companies? They benefit from the active transfer of ideas and knowledge with the universities and the integration of dedicated scientists and young professionals in their development processes. The symbiosis between universities and companies pays off not least for the Ruhr metropolitan region: new companies are constantly being founded from the network, thus creating additional jobs. The existing companies, in turn, are expanding their market position and thereby also ensuring healthy growth in the region.
The residents of the Ruhr region also benefit directly from the innovations in the fields of renewable energies and electromobility – for example through the conversion of public transport to electromobility, which is a long-term goal and to which the ruhrvalley community is making a decisive contribution with its work. Or, for instance, through the intelligent use of sustainably generated heat. Both reduce air pollution and noise and thus contribute to a better quality of life in the area.
Beyond these tangible advantages, ruhrvalley is also doing something really significant: establishing the Ruhr region as an internationally recognised technology and innovation hub. Ultimately, the ruhrvalley partnership thus enhances the profile of the entire region, which, over the long term, will attract more innovative companies and dedicated skilled workers and spur the growth of the region – in the spirit of Silicon Valley, which once started out small and is now the global centre for information and communication technologies.
Three questions to...
...Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schugt, vice president for research and head of the Institute for Electromobility at Bochum University of Applied Sciences

What significance does ruhrvalley have for the participating universities?
With ruhrvalley, the universities are fulfilling their responsibility to their regions. The Ruhr region is currently experiencing a far-reaching structural change, which we are actively shaping with the ruhrvalley partnership. We support the transformation of the former industrial centre into a flourishing region for medium-sized businesses by closely networking our research work with practical experience. As part of the ruhrvalley projects, scientists and entrepreneurs work hand in hand. This ‘knowledge transfer via minds’ is the heart of the ruhrvalley undertaking and makes the partnership so fruitful and efficient.
Three universities of applied sciences are involved as scientific partners of ruhrvalley. What distinguishes research at universities of applied sciences?
The orientation to application. We don’t carry out basic research, but rather research into concrete solutions for current social challenges. We maintain direct lines of communication with the companies in the region in order to make the results of our research work usable as soon as possible.
What role does electromobility play in North Rhine–Westphalia?
Electromobility is the drive technology of the future. This could harbour great opportunities for North Rhine–Westphalia as a business hub characterised by a flourishing supplier industry. For these companies, it is now important to recognise and exploit the opportunities associated with electromobility – be they new processes, products or testing systems. By the way, the same applies to other innovative technologies such as geothermal energy or the internet of things (IoT). To put it briefly, companies need to be able to quickly adopt new developing technologies, regardless of their field. It is precisely this spirit that characterises ruhrvalley.
...Stefanie Bengfort, research assistant at the Institute for Innovation Research and Management (ifi) at Westphalian University of Applied Sciences

What does innovation mean and how does ruhrvalley contribute to bringing innovations to the market?
Not every novelty is also an innovation. To be an innovation, a new product, technology or process must meet a need. Only through this alignment does a novelty become a marketable innovation. As a partner of ruhrvalley, the ifi supports companies in analysing markets and requirements and in setting up projects in such a way that they generate innovations.
How does that look like in practice?
One example is the ruhrvalley project System Innovation for Mobility and Energy in the Metropolis (SiME), which I am a part of. This research project is about optimising the innovation process itself. To this end, we analyse the various success-critical influencing factors in metropolitan regions, identify typical implementation barriers and develop ways to overcome these barriers. The results of our work make it easier for companies in the region to develop and introduce innovations with pinpoint accuracy.
What are the personal benefits of working at ruhrvalley?
In addition to new knowledge and experiences, the benefits are above all many reliable contacts and a broad, sustainable network. This helps me, among other things, with my dissertation, which I am working on within the framework of SiME, and for which I need experienced expert interview partners. There are plenty of those in the ruhrvalley partnership!
… Dr. Martin Peters, managing director of com2m GmbH

You are the managing director of com2m. What does your company offer?
com2m develops digital solutions for the internet of things (IoT), with one focus being the area of electromobility. Our cloud platforms provide the digital basis for the evaluation and management of the data collected in the context of IoT applications.
You and your company a part of the ruhrvalley partnership. Why?
Partnerships are important for us to network with various specialist areas and thus create synergy effects in product development and introduction. It is precisely this broad interdisciplinary network that we find at ruhrvalley. In addition to this, there is the collaboration in research projects. In doing so, we can pursue approaches that are given too little time and space in day-to-day business and also experiment with unusual ideas.
Where are the interfaces between electromobility and the IoT?
In the charging infrastructure. Today, you won’t sell a charging station without the right cloud platform – after all, users want to charge and pay as conveniently and easily as possible, preferably with their smartphone. Our digital cloud platforms, which are connected to the charging stations via the internet, provide the necessary technology for this. All processes at the connected charging stations are centrally recorded, allocated and billed – even directly via app on the customer’s smartphone, if desired.
(Text: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. / Technopolis Group Deutschland)